New UCL Study Seeking Participants

by Paul North


A new UCL study is looking for participants who either do or don’t smoke Cannabis, and are between the ages of 16-19 and 25-27. The study is seeking to understand more about how Cannabis impacts on adolescents and will be monitoring them over 12 months. The study is paying all participants £240 for their time, and will involve answering a number of questions and completing short tests.

This will be one of the most comprehensive studies and pieces of research into this area, the results of which will go a long way to further our understanding of Cannabis. Volteface will be keeping up to date with the studies findings and reporting on them in the future. In the meantime if you are able to get to UCL, between the ages of 16-19 and 25-27 and would like £240, check out the poster below and get in touch with the research team.


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