Clear Your Diaries | Our Summer Events Programme

by Alastair Moore


June saw us host a number of events that allowed us to work with organisations from the worlds of drug policy reform and prison reform (and make some big announcements).

July is set to be an event busier month for events here at VolteFace HQ.

We are delighted to have such a range of vibrant guest speaker and impassioned audiences passing through and engaging with us during such an exciting time for our organisation. For those of you who still haven’t had a chance to join us, here’s a run down of some of the upcoming events.

Colorado Shorts (6th July)


There are still a few tickets left to our ‘Colorado Shorts’ screening with a Q&A session with the producer and director.

We’re screening a mini-documentary series called ‘The Highs and Lows of the Weed Business’, which takes a close look at Colorado since they legalised cannabis.

Commissioned for Channel 4 by award winning Adam Gee, and produced by the talented Attention Seekers, the mini-documentaries are a real eye-opener.

Tickets available here.

In Conversation: Maia Szalavitz & Johann Hari (14th July)


This event is the premiere night of our new series ‘In Conversation’. Co-hosting with us are the lovely people from Drink and Drug News and our two conversationalists for the evening are Maia Szalavitz and Johann Hari.

Maia is a neuroscience journalist and author. Her new book ‘Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction’ offers a radical and groundbreaking new perspective, arguing that addictions are learning disorders and shows how seeing the condition this way can untangle our current debates over treatment, prevention and policy.

Johann has written for many of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines, including the New York Times, Le Monde, the Guardian, He was a lead op-ed columnist for the Independent, for nine years. His latest book ‘Chasing the Scream’ lays bare what we really have been chasing in our century of drug war — in our hunger for drugs, and in our attempt to destroy them.

Join us for a night of lively debate!

Tickets available here.

In Conversation: Tom Gash & Nick Ross (18th July)

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Two big names from the world of criminology are joining us for this head to head on the 18th of July. One was the crime policy advisor to Tony Blair and one the face of Crimewatch.

Tom Gash, author of Criminal: the truth about why people do bad things, discusses myths and realities of crime with leading presenter and crime commentator Nick Ross. Covering issues ranging from illegal drugs markets to domestic murders and street crime, Tom will argue that we are systematically misled about crime and its causes – and Nick will test his thesis drawing on decades reporting on and researching crime and justice issues.

Get your tickets here.

There’s much more to come and you can keen an eye on our events page.

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